Tips and Tricks from our Professional Painters in Philadelphia When water seeps into the exterior cracks of your home, shed or deck and doesn’t get the chance to dry out properly, the wood will likely start to rot. While most homeowners are not master carpenters, it helps to know that there are other options to prevent wood rot such as keeping the area dry with a fresh coat of paint. Otherwise, wood rot can spread if left untreated and affect structural integrity. If wood rot is damaging your home and you need professional assistance, the professionals at Mastercraft Painting &

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Advice from our Professional Painters in Philadelphia If you are planning on doing a painting project and want to get the best-looking results, one of the most important factors to consider is how well you prepare the surface where you intend to paint. Two of the most common options to prepare your surfaces for paint are sandblasting and power washing. However, before exploring the pros and cons of each, you must first determine whether both are viable options for your intended application. A simple way to verify this is to look at your paint’s technical data sheet to identify its

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Advice from the Experts at Mastercraft Painting & Finishes When it comes to selecting paint colors for your home, there’s an entire rainbow to choose from. With so many options at your disposal, making the right choice can be a daunting task. Fortunately, learning how to choose a paint color that enhances your home doesn’t have to be a complicated process once you understand some basic rules of color selection. This guide from the experts at Mastercraft Painting & Finishes will teach you how to confidently pick paint colors in addition to providing you with tips and tricks to help

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A Step-by-Step Guide from Your Trusted Professional Painters in Philadelphia Staining woodworking projects can be a fun and simple task if you take the time to prepare wood surfaces the right way. For instance, some types of wood such as cherry, pine and birch can get splotchy when stain is applied to them, making it crucial to use a sealer before staining. If it is done correctly, adding stain to wood can change the color to better match the other wood tones in your home and highlight its beautiful grain patterns. For professional and cost-effective refinishing and restoration services, the

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Tips for Achieving the Perfect Finish Wood stain is a popular treatment that is used to change the color and tone of wood. While wood in its natural state is beautiful in its own right, it may not always match the other colors in your home. Therefore, applying a wood stain to your woodworking project is a simple and affordable way to make everything cohesive. Since wood comes from nature, staining results will vary. Avoid surprises by taking the time to prepare and test any stains you are considering for your project, or contact the experts at Mastercraft Painting &

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  Expert Advice from Your Trusted Professional Painters in Philadelphia Every street has that one house that looks a little sad, worn, and neglected. With peeling exterior paint or faded siding, this house will stand out for all the wrong reasons. Don’t let your house be the one! Whether it is wood, vinyl, or aluminum siding, there will come a time when you need to refresh the exteriors to maintain your home’s value and curb appeal. The decision to replace or refinish the siding will depend on a number of factors, including its existing condition, valid warranties, and your renovation

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Preserve and Increase the Value of Your Home It is that time of the year when you give your home the annual once over—the inescapable ritual of spring cleaning. Whether it is decluttering your wardrobe or garage, deep cleaning every nook and cranny of the home, washing or repainting the walls, or scheduling equipment maintenance appointments, you may have lined up several important tasks in the coming weeks. While you take care of your home interiors, don’t miss out on certain important aspects of maintaining the exteriors of your home. (more…)

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Tips from Your Professional Painters in Philadelphia Painting your home interiors is always an exciting way to transform your space quickly, efficiently, and in a cost-effective manner. A fresh coat of paint can truly be your magic wand to improve a tired looking room, upgrade to trending paint shades, and elevate the value and appeal of your home. Selecting the colors for your walls may often be an animated discussion between family members, due to the differences in individual tastes. However, choosing the paint finishes is a relatively easy task. You simply need to know how each type of finish

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How will You Choose? Although often overlooked, paint finish is an extremely critical consideration in your home painting project. Due to its impact on the durability, washability, and vibrancy of the paint, the finishes you choose can significantly impact the look and functionality of your rooms. The professional painters at Mastercraft Painting and Finishes explain why finishes matter, and how you can make the right choice. Create the Perfect Pairings between Your Rooms and Paint Finishes While paint companies may use a variety of names for the finishes, broadly, there are four different types: flat, matte, shiny, and super glossy.

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Professional Philadelphia Painters Outline Key Aspects to Consider Do the interiors or exteriors of your commercial property need a fresh coat of paint? Are you looking at hiring a reliable, professional, commercial painting company to complete the job? By staying away from the temptation of hiring a general handyman, you have already taken the first step in the right direction. Hiring painting professionals will let you focus on your core business and save you a significant amount of time and effort supervising the contractor to make sure the job is done right. At Mastercraft Painting and Finishes, we have been

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